
Misconceptions About Handmade and Locally Produced Goods

Elishabawa 4 months ago 0 3

Misconceptions About Handmade and Locally Produced Goods

Handmade products often face a series of misconceptions that undermine their true value. It’s essential to dispel these myths to appreciate the craftsmanship and effort behind these goods.

  1. Cost: Just because a product is handmade doesn’t mean it should be cheap. The skill, time, and quality of materials involved often justify a higher price point.
  2. Origin: Handmade does not automatically equate to being locally produced. Artisans around the world create handmade items, and their origin can span across continents.
  3. Quality: The notion that handmade products are of low quality is misguided. In fact, handmade items often undergo meticulous craftsmanship, resulting in superior quality compared to mass-produced alternatives.
  4. Local Production: Even if a product is made in Nigeria, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is locally sourced or targeted solely at the local market. Global supply chains and markets blur these distinctions.  Many of the shoes you might assume are not Nigerian-made, local, cheap, or low quality, are in fact, meticulously handcrafted.For more insights and updates, please follow our page, Chawaza.follow Newnaija on  facebook
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