
Retired Kogi School Teacher Curses Ex-Governor Bello, Other Leaders Behind Non-payment Of His Gratuity After Working For 35 Years

Elishabawa 5 months ago 0 8

Mr. Idanaku’s story sheds light on the challenges faced by

long-serving teachers in Kogi State, Nigeria, particularly regarding their welfare and retirement benefits. Despite dedicating 35 years of his life to serving the state government as a teacher, Mr. Idanaku expresses deep frustration over the lack of gratuity payment and inadequate pension support.

His narrative underscores a broader issue of deteriorating conditions for teachers in the state over the years, including irregular payment of salaries, disappearing leave bonuses, and lack of financial support for professional development. Mr. Idanaku’s experience highlights the toll that such circumstances can take on individuals and their families, leading to financial hardship, emotional stress, and even health problems.

Moreover, Mr. Idanaku’s account reflects the impact of governance and political decisions on the lives of ordinary citizens. He shares his disappointment with successive administrations and expresses hope for improvement under new leadership, only to be further disillusioned by ongoing challenges, including delayed pension payments and lack of support during his tenure as Acting Education Secretary.

His story serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing systemic issues related to education funding, teacher welfare, and retirement benefits to ensure the well-being of educators and the quality of education in the state. It also highlights the need for accountability and transparency in government policies and practices to prevent similar hardships from affecting future generations of teachers and public servants.

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