
After seven years, a Nigerian lady decided to stop bleaching her skin but her face began to turn very dark

Elishabawa 3 months ago 0 12

When someone stops bleaching their skin, especially after prolonged use, it’s not uncommon for their skin to undergo a period of adjustment. This adjustment period can involve changes in pigmentation, with areas that were previously lightened becoming darker as the skin’s natural melanin production resumes.

It’s crucial for individuals who have stopped bleaching their skin to prioritize skincare and seek professional guidance to address any concerns or issues that may arise during this transition. This may include using gentle skincare products, avoiding further exposure to harsh chemicals, and consulting with a dermatologist if necessary.Ultimately, embracing one’s natural skin tone is a journey that requires patience, self-care, and acceptance. While the process of transitioning away from skin bleaching may come with challenges, it can also be incredibly empowering and liberating in the long run.

After seven years, a Nigerian lady decided to stop bleaching her skin but her face began to turn very dark.
The lady said she looked like someone who was suffering and began to contemplate if she should go back to bleaching or maintain her decision to stop.
“It takes a lot of effort and maturity to make this decision. It took me 3 months to start healing slowly,” someone reacted to the video.
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