
Tinubu’s decision not to pay ransom to the kidnappers

Elishabawa 3 months ago 0 8

Tinubu’s decision not to pay ransom to the kidnappers of the 137 students in Kuriga, Kaduna State, reflects a firm stance against negotiating with criminal elements. This directive was conveyed through the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, who emphasized the President’s unwavering position on the matter.

By refusing to entertain ransom demands, the government sends a clear message that it will not yield to the demands of criminals. This stance underscores the government’s commitment to tackling insecurity and addressing the root causes of such criminal activities.

It’s crucial to emphasize and reinforce this policy to deter future kidnappings and discourage criminal behavior. This decisive action aligns with the government’s broader efforts to ensure the safety and security of its citizens.

Ten years ago today, 276 girls were abducted in the night from their school in Chibok, northeastern Nigeria. The attack by Boko Haram pricked the conscience of the world. From London to Washington, protesters held placards reading #BringBackOurGirls—the hashtag the girls’ families had posted to pressure their idle government into action. It would take almost three weeks for then-Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan even to make a public announcement. Critical time had been lost. Indeed, merely targeting the ransom-driven kidnapping market addresses only part of the issue. To truly combat the prevalence of such crimes and prevent individuals from being drawn into other criminal activities, we must address the underlying push factors that contribute to insecurity in our society.

Poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity serve as fertile ground for criminal gangs to recruit vulnerable individuals. By tackling these root causes, we can disrupt the cycle of poverty and reduce the appeal of criminal involvement. Investing in economic development initiatives, job creation programs, and education opportunities can provide viable alternatives to a life of crime. By empowering our citizens with skills, resources, and opportunities for upward mobility, we can steer them away from criminal activities and towards productive and lawful endeavors.

Furthermore, addressing systemic issues such as corruption, social injustice, and ineffective governance is essential for fostering an environment of trust, stability, and security. When people have faith in their institutions and see tangible improvements in their quality of life, they are less likely to resort to criminal behavior out of desperation or disillusionment.Ultimately, addressing the push factors behind criminality requires a comprehensive and holistic approach that involves collaboration between government agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector. By prioritizing social and economic empowerment, we can build a safer and more prosperous future for all Nigerians.

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