
“Duchess Lizzy has issued a call to action to combat cancer. Let’s join forces in the fight against this disease.”

Elishabawa 2 months ago 0 14


“Duchess Lizzy has issued a call to action to combat cancer. Let’s join forces in the fight against this disease.”

My dear friends and supporters,

I am Duchess Lizzy, formerly known as Elizabeth Ugwoma Awo-Ejeh. At the age of 27, I was confronted with the harsh reality of stage 2 breast cancer back in 2022. Since then, my life has been a battle, a relentless fight against this formidable adversary.

I’ve endured the rigors of chemotherapy, the ordeal of surgery to remove the affected breast, and the trials of radiotherapy, all in the quest for healing and restoration. Each step of the way, I’ve clung to hope and faith, drawing strength from the love and support of those around me. Recently, during a routine check-up, a new challenge emerged. The doctor’s somber words echoed in my ears as they revealed a troubling finding on the right side of my lung. A wave of fear washed over me, but amidst the uncertainty, there was resolve. I knew I had to face this head-on.

To assess the situation and chart the best course of action, I’ve been advised to undergo a PET scan urgently, followed by immediate treatment. However, the financial burden of these medical procedures and therapies weighs heavily upon me. It is in this moment of need that I humbly turn to you, dear friends, for assistance.

Your generosity and kindness have been a beacon of light in the darkest of times, offering hope where there seemed to be none. Now, I ask for your support once more as I navigate this latest chapter of my journey. No contribution is too small, for it is through collective efforts that miracles are made possible.

For those willing to lend a helping hand, here are the necessary details:

Account Name: Elizabeth Awo-Ejeh

Account Number: 2076526350

Bank: UBA (United Bank for Africa)

I promise to keep you updated every step of the way, for your involvement in my battle is a testament to the power of community and solidarity. From the depths of my heart, I extend my sincerest gratitude for your unwavering support and encouragement during this critical juncture.

Please, help me spread the word far and wide, for together, we can turn the tide against this relentless foe.

With love and hope, Duchess Lizzy

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